Promotion of rights of domestic workers & prevention of trafficking

Domestic workers have very limited social protections, and commonly suffer poor working conditions, exploitation, abuse and slavery. Many domestic workers are migrants and are among the most marginalized and socially discriminated populations. Understanding the need of the domestic workers, Chetanalaya organized the domestic workers into informal groups; together forming a Domestic Workers Forum comprising of around 4000 domestic workers. Capacity building trainings are organized to create a cadre of leaders and ensure the sustainability of work.

Awareness meetings are conducted on the rights of domestic workers. Chetanalaya has also been on a forefront to rescue the domestic workers in distress. Apart from the exploitation and harassment cases, the organization also helps the workers to avail the entitlements such as pension; pan card, insurance, economic aid, etc. Networking is organized with various likeminded organizations and campaigns are conducted to ensure that domestic workers enjoy better working conditions and no exploitation takes place. Through its intervention, Chetanalaya aims to build the capacity of domestic workers so that they are empowered to claim their rights.

  • Help Them to Help Themselves
  • Help Them to Help Themselves