Rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and the elderly

Persons with disabilities face a number of obstacles including attitudinal, environmental and institutional barriers preventing participation in all aspects of life.

Also, elders are among the most adversely affected, facing further age barriers in society.

This highlights the need to take a long-term approach in designing and construction of their community to ensure environmental inclusiveness and accessibility.

Towards an inclusive society, Chetanalaya provides institutional support to special children in Rohtak and Mukundpur. Children with disabilities are provided with home based education and home based rehabilitation.

In addition to this, PWDs are provided aids and appliances; they are assisted to avail entitlements and are also given therapy. To make the PWDs self reliant, they are provided with income generation support and they are also given vocational training.

Sports and cultural programmes were organized from time to time. Awareness on the rights of PWDs and counselling of PWDs is another regular feature of this programme. Towards caring for the elderly, monthly share and care programmes are organized- birthday celebrations, recreational activities, serving meals, health camps, family gathering, games between youth and elders are the features of the intervention. Through this programme, Chetanalaya works towards the care for more than 600 disadvantaged elders to improve their quality of life.

  • Help Them to Help Themselves
  • Help Them to Help Themselves